Wrapping up the last business day of the year strong. I’m thankful.
Monday will be my one year anniversary as RM. The last few years has been quite a journey professionally. Mostly growth beyond my expectations and still learning.
Below are lessons I’ve learned and take aways for the year.
Sponsor vs. Mentor: I think often we are over mentored and under sponsored. I was very fortunate to have an amazing sponsor who believe in me and took my career to the next level. It takes one vs. many to make incremental difference.
Be Collaborative: Firms reward people with collaborative mindset. Understand end to end process and support one another. Working together to achieve common goals.
Work Hard vs. Work Smart: It’s not always about working hard. It’s about thinking strategically. How to deliver the best results with minimal effort. Hence, digitization and automation.
Managing Internal Politics and External Relationships: Learn to manage internally (up, down, and sideways) and externally. Build your network inside out. The work itself is merely enough.
Always Be Pitching: Regardless it’s your fellow colleagues or former colleagues, always present your best self. Manage perceptions and stay ahead of the game.
As per wise cleaning lady (we’re usually the last to leave office), your time starts NOW. Life is beautiful and life is what you make of it. Don’t be afraid to take risk, seize opportunities, and continue to “break walls”..
Let’s go 2018!
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